port device objects

Port objects are optional. You only need to add them if you want to change properties from default. Note you can also change the default values themselves using pb_prefs at the MATLAB command line, which may be more convenient.

An object of type port provides options for a serial port for general I/O use, e.g. by a portSender or portReceiver element. You can add columns setting properties for one or more port objects in the optional table for objects not specific to trial (experiment, device, staircase objects). [Or in the coding method: Make port objects outside trials using function portObject, set properties, and input them to addToExperiment.]

Input properties
Record properties
port objects


All objects


No default, changeable in pb_prefs

A string that is the name of the serial port, as accepted by Psychtoolbox IOPort('OpenSerialPort'). From Psychtoolbox documentation: On Windows this could be, e.g. <cds>"COM1"<cds>, <cds>"COM2"<cds>, etc.; on Mac it is a path to a BSD device file, e.g. <cds>"/dev/cu.usbserial-FT3Z95V5"<cds> for a serial-over-USB device with unique ID FT3Z95V5; on Linux e.g. <cds>"/dev/ttyS0"<cds> for the first real serial port, 
<cds>"/dev/ttyUSB0"<cds> for the first serial-over-USB device, etc.


Default, changeable in pb_prefs: none

A string that goes to Psychtoolbox IOPort('OpenSerialPort') input configString. See IOPort('OpenSerialPort') for more information.