Element objects are all the stimuli as well as functionality (e.g. recording response from subject) that can run in trials. Set element object properties in trial definition tables. [Or in the coding method: Make element objects using <><type><>Object functions, e.g. crossObject, keyPressObject, etc. Then set their properties and input them all to addTrial to define the trial.]
There are many different element object types, e.g. cross, picture, keyPress, portReceiver, etc. See All documentation or type pb at the MATLAB command line for a list with links to documentation for each one. This page documents properties that all element types have.
All objects
Default: start = element won't run
Default: end = no end conditions → element must end on its own (otherwise will run indefinitely)
Start/End the element at time relative to trial start. Set to a number (sec). 0 = trial start.
Start/End the element at time relative to experiment sync in the trial. Set to a number (sec). Some element must sync the experiment at a trigger in the same trial for this to work—see syncExperiment below.
End the element at time relative to its start. Set to a number (sec).
Start/End the element when another element starts or ends in the trial. Set to a string pointing to an element object by its variable name and possibly index. Or you can use a string array pointing to multiple elements to listen for when any of them starts. e.g.
<cdsm> "picture"<cdsm>
<cdsm> "pictures(2)"<cdsm>
<cdm>[<cdm><cdsm>"pictures(1)" "pictures(2)"<cdsm><cdm>]<cdm>
(In the visual method you can specify a name/index for an object in its object heading, default = object type name. In the coding method it's just the variable name you use in the experiment script.)
Set field response = <cd>true<cd> to start/end the element at any response from subject recorded by any response handler element in the trial.
Or if there are multiple response handlers in the trial, you can use field responseBy instead to listen for any response recorded by a specific one. Set to a string/string array, like startOf/endOf above.
Note if you want to narrow down what responses or response features (e.g. correct/incorrect) to listen for, you can add field and—see below.
Start/End the element at any trigger registered by any element in the trial. Usage is like response/responseBy above. See also field and below.
Usually when you want to set timing based on a trigger, it's in a scanner experiment and easiest to use t_sync above instead. trigger/triggerBy are more general purpose. They work whether or not an element syncs the experiment in the trial.
If you set field preTrial = <cdm>true<cdm>, the element runs in the pre-trial interval. Only simple static visual elements can do this (e.g. cross elements). Also currently you can only run one element in a pre-trial interval. Note to set pre-trial background color, use trial object property preTrialBackColor.
Some elements can end automatically at some point—check Object ends on its own? near the top of the element type documentation. For example, by default a keyPress element ends on its own when it records a response. If an element can end on its own, you don't need to set property end (unless you want it to maybe end earlier).
element.start.t = 0
element.end.duration = 2
→ start at trial start and run for 2 sec.
element.start.endOf = <cdsm>"movies(1)"<cdsm>
→ start when element movies(1) ends. No end condition is set, so the element needs to be able to end on its own.
You can add field and to some conditions (currently response and trigger conditions) to further customize it. Set and to a string that is any MATLAB expression for PsychBench to evaluate during the experiment. The expression must evaluate to <cd>true<cd>/<cd>false<cd>. Then the condition will only be met if = <cd>true<cd>. If you need multiple lines of code, the string can be the name of a script that makes a variable ans containing <cd>true<cd>/<cd>false<cd>.
An and expression can reference the following variables:
Response and related information. Mostly taken from corresponding record properties of the response handler element that recorded the response. Additionally n_response is response number recorded by the respond handler (1, 2, 3, …). Note if the response handler has recorded multiple responses, these variables contain information for the current one. See below for examples of using these to set response feedback.
trigger is trigger value, taken from record property trigger of the element that registered the trigger. n_trigger is trigger number registered (1, 2, 3, …). If the element has registered multiple triggers, these variables contains information for the current one.
element.start.response = true
element.start.and = <cdsm>"responseScore = true"<cdsm>
→ start at any response scored <cdm>true<cdm>, typically meaning correct.
element.start.response = true
element.start.and = <cdsm>"responseScore = false"<cdsm>
→ start at any response scored <cdm>false<cdm>, typically meaning incorrect.
You can add field timeFrom = a number (sec) to any condition to tell the element to wait from when the condition is met (including and above if set) to start/end.
element.start.response = true
element.start.timeFrom = 2
→ start 2 sec from any response.
You can set more than one start or end condition for an element. If so the element will start/end at whichever one occurs first. To do this, just make start/end a row struct array instead of a single struct. Note additional fields (and, timeFrom, cancel) can have different values for different conditions.
element.start(1).response = true
element.start(1).timeFrom = 2
element.start(2).t = 10
→ start 2 sec from any response or 10 sec from trial start, whichever occurs first.
By default each trial ends when no elements in it are left running or scheduled to start (e.g. by a start.t condition). If an element has not started when this condition is met, it just won't run.
Another way for an element to maybe not run is to add field cancel to one or more of its end conditions. By default an end condition that occurs before or at when the element starts is ignored. If you add end field cancel = <cd>true<cd> then instead the element will not start anytime at or after the condition (and will end at the condition if running, as usual).
Lastly if you don't set start for an element, it just won't run.
pic.start.t = 5;
pic.end.response = true;
→ pic starts 5 sec from trial start and ends at any response.
pic.start.t = 5;
pic.end.response = true;
pic.end.cancel = true;
→ pic starts 5 sec from trial start and ends at any response. Additionally, if a response is recorded before the element starts (before 5 sec), the element won't run.
To synchronize the start or end of different elements, just give them the same start or end condition. This works regardless of element modality (visual, auditory, etc.).
Additional special timing options are available in some element types. For example, elements of type sequence can run other elements in an alternating sequence, e.g. in a change blindness experiment. See element type documentation for more information.
By default each trial ends whenever no elements in it are left running or scheduled to start (e.g. by a start.t condition), and the next trial starts after a 0.75 sec interval. This is all you need for most experiments. However, a few trial object properties allow other options: preTrialInterval, start, end. See Trial timing if you need more information.
There are various potential sources of deviation between expected element times and actual times you get during an experiment—finite frame rate, dropped frames, delays when starting/ending on spontaneous conditions (e.g. response and trigger conditions with no wait time), etc. In experiments where precise timing is important, you may need to consider these, in some cases to be aware of them as limitations and in other cases to avoid them by setting things correctly. If precise timing is important, see Timing precision for more information. See also properties startBuffer/endBuffer below.
PsychBench writes pbLog.txt in the MATLAB current folder to log events like elements starting and ending during the experiment. This can be helpful for figuring out mistakes you made in setting element start/end conditions. Note times in this log are approximate. For all other purposes use experiment results output (see Time measurements above).
start/end tell the element when to run. To measure actual times during the experiment, include record properties startTime, endTime, duration, etc. below in experiment results output (property report). Similar record properties are available at the trial and experiment levels.
Defaults: no start/end buffers
There are various potential sources of deviation between expected element start/end times and actual times you get during an experiment. One common deviation is delay caused by too much processing that your system needs to do at the time (dropped frames). If this occurs and it matters in your experiment, you may be able to reduce or eliminate it by setting a start or end "buffer" for the element. To do this: Do a test run with element record properties start/endLatencyBufferable in experiment results output. If these properties record a value > 0, try setting startBuffer/endBuffer to a similar or greater value (sec). Note buffering is only possible for start/end conditions that have definite times so PyschBench knows when they are coming ahead of time (t conditions, t_sync or duration conditions > buffer time you want, any condition with a wait time timeFrom > buffer time you want).
Setting a buffer tells PsychBench to begin preparing the element start/end early. It comes at a cost that some processes will pause for the duration of the buffer immediately before the target time, including any display animation in running elements. It basically moves dropped frames from after the target time to before. If nothing is happening, including if target time is at trial start, then this doesn't matter. In other cases you should only set the shortest buffer you need and/or make a tradeoff.
(Note if latencies are mostly 0 except in trial 1, that's a common consequence of MATLAB loading functions into memory on first use. In that case it may be better to just discount the results of trial 1.)
For more information on timing precision and frames see Timing precision.
Default: don't synchronize the experiment at trigger
Only some elements can register triggers: You can switch any response handler element to register inputs as triggers by setting its property registerTrigger = <cd>true<cd>. A common example is using keyPress elements to receive synchronization signals from a scanner that arrive as keyboard inputs. Some elements that aren’t response handlers can also register triggers, e.g. portSender/Receiver elements.
See also record property syncTime below.
See scanner examples at www.psychbench.org/docs#demos, including an example with jittered inter-trial intervals.
Default: same as experiment
Sets preload for the element. This overrides experiment object property preload for this element—see there for more information.
Default: don't vary any properties of the element
You can only vary properties that are adjustable. Which properties are adjustable depends on the element type—see the top of the property list in the type documentation. If you need to make other properties adjustable, you can edit the element type code—see Element Type Programming Manual.
vary is a further struct that can have the following fields. For unusual cases to vary multiple properties of the element, you can make vary a struct array, e.g. <cd>vary(1).what = <cd> ..., <cd>vary(2).what = <cd>...
A string that is name of an input property to vary. You can also vary part of a property by including further indexes/field names, e.g. <cdsm>"size(2)"<cdsm> would vary the second coordinate in property size . If you vary part of a property, you can set the rest of it directly or leave it at default.
If you want to vary a visual element property that you set in units other than deg using <cdm>{val, <cdm><cdsm>"unit"<cdsm><cdm>}<cdm> form, just target the numeric part of the property here, e.g. <cdsm>"height{1}"<cdsm>.
A string that is any MATLAB expression for PsychBench to evaluate to set the target. The expression can reference a variable t which will contain current time relevant to element start (sec). If you need multiple lines of code, the string can be the name of a script that makes a variable ans containing value to set.
element.vary.what = <cdsm>"position"<cdsm>
element.vary.setExpr = <cdsm>"[-5+mod(2*t, 10) 2*sin(pi*t)]"<cdsm>
→ move a visual element right on a sinusoidal path and wrap around
element.position = {[], <cdsm>"cm"<cdsm>};
element.vary.what = <cdsm>"position{1}"<cdsm>
element.vary.setExpr = <cdsm>"[-5+mod(2*t, 10) 2*sin(pi*t)]"<cdsm>
→ same but in cm instead of deg
Default: don't staircase any properties of the element
staircase is a further struct that can have the following fields. You can omit fields (or leave them = <cd>[]<cd>) to leave them at default. For unusual cases to staircase multiple properties of the element, you can make staircase a struct array, e.g. <cd>staircase(1).what = <cd> ..., <cd>staircase(2).what = <cd>...
Note you will get an error during the experiment if a property is staircased to a value that is impossible for it (e.g. a negative value for a property that must be positive). You need to set the parameters here and in the staircase object so this can't happen.
No default
A string that is name of a property to staircase. You can also staircase part of a property by including further indexes/field names, e.g. <cdsm>"size(2)"<cdsm> would staircase the second coordinate in property size . If you staircase part of a property, you can set the rest of it directly or leave it at default. Target must be numeric (not necessarily scalar).
If you want to staircase a visual element property that you set in units other than deg using <cdm>{val, <cdm><cdsm>"unit"<cdsm><cdm>}<cdm> form, just target the numeric part of the property here, e.g. <cdsm>"height{1}"<cdsm>.
Default: set target = staircase value
You can set setExpr to a string that is any MATLAB expression for PsychBench to evaluate to set the target. The expression must reference the variable staircaseVal which will contain the staircase value (a number).
Target must be an integer (and staircase value might not be)
→ <cdsm>"round(staircaseVal)"<cdsm>
If you need multiple lines of code, the string can be the name of a script that makes a variable ans containing value to set.
Default: no minimum/maximum target value
You can use these fields to set minimum and/or maximum target values. The staircase won’t step if it would set the target past these limits. min/max can be single numbers to apply to all numbers in target, or numeric arrays with size = size of target.
See also staircase object properties min/max if it’s more convenient to set min/max at the staircase value (before transformation by setExpr above).
Default: Don’t update staircase value
If you use setExpr above and the target value the staircase sets (what the subject perceives) may not precisely correspond to the staircase value, use setStaircaseExpr to update the staircase value recorded in the staircase object afterward. e.g. if setExpr = <cdsm>"round(staircaseVal)"<cdsm>, you would use setStaircaseExpr to update to the rounded value. This is important since the recorded staircase value can affect the next staircase value and threshold estimate. Usage is like setExpr except the variable to reference in the expression is targetVal, which will contain the staircased target value.
See staircase examples at www.psychbench.org/docs#demos.
PsychBench uses record properties to record information during experiments. You can't set record properties but you can see them in experiment results using input property report.
startTime and endTime record start/end times relative to trial 1 start (sec). If the element presents a stimulus, these generally = stimulus onset/offset times. If the element listens for input from a device, these generally = earliest/latest times input could be received. Note these properties record actual times during the experiment—to set timing, use input properties start/end above.
duration records end time − start time.
n_startFrame and n_endFrame record frame numbers in the trial for the first/last frames the element ran in. They are related to startTime/endTime as start time = first frame start time, end time = last frame end time ( = next frame after that start time). You can use these with trial object record properties frameRates, frameIntervals.
startLatencyBufferable and endLatencyBufferable are estimates of the part of delay from expected start/end time (sec) that might be reducible by setting a buffer in properties startBuffer or endBuffer above. Generally only for experiments where precise timing is important.
For more information on frames and timing precision see Timing precision.
In PsychBench a trigger is a "flag" an element raises that you can set timing from. Most commonly set syncExperiment = <cd>true<cd> above to tell the element to synchronize the experiment at trigger, then set the timing of any element in the trial (element properties start/end field t_sync) and/or subsequent trial timing (trial object property start field t_sync) from sync. Even if you don't set syncExperiment, you can set any element in the trial to start/end from triggers more generally using element properties start/end fields trigger/TriggerBy.
Only some elements can register triggers: You can switch any response handler element to register inputs as triggers by setting its property registerTrigger = <cd>true<cd>. A common example is using keyPress elements to receive synchronization signals from a scanner that arrive as keyboard inputs. Some elements that aren’t response handlers can also register triggers, e.g. portSender/Receiver elements.
If the element registers triggers, these properties record information about them in case useful to see in results:
triggerTime is time the trigger occurred relative to trial 1 start (sec). See also syncTime below.
d_triggerTime is uncertainty in trigger time (sec). Range = ± d_triggerTime. This is > 0 in the common case of an element that checks to receive a trigger once per frame, giving uncertainty = 1/2 the interval between checks (≈ 8 msec at 60 frames/sec with no dropped frames). Otherwise this property reports 0, but note this doesn’t include other sources of uncertainty which may be present in your system. For more information on frames and timing precision see Timing precision.
If the element registers multiple triggers then the properties above become row vectors or cell arrays.
numTriggers is number of triggers registered by the element.
If the element syncs the experiment (property syncExperiment above), this records the sync time relative to trial 1 start (sec). This just = triggerTime above for the trigger it synced at.