
• Object types reference

We add new object types regularly—please contact us with requests.
You can also contribute an element type.

• MATLAB command line

Access all documentation:


Files and folders:

<cd>help <cd><cds>PsychBench<cds>

Function help:

<cd>help <cd><cds><function name><cds>

• MATLAB command line

Access all documentation:

Files and folders:
<cd>help <cd><cds>PsychBench<cds>

Function help:
<cd>help <cd><cds><function name><cds>

• Demos and examples

Below are links to demos and examples in the visual method (experiment spreadsheets in Google Sheets). You can make copies in your own Google account if you want to modify them (Google Sheets → File → Make a copy) and download them to run them (Google Sheets → File → Download → Microsoft Excel).

Coding method versions are also available locally in <><PsychBench folder><>/docs/demos. If there is no link then only the coding method version is currently available—visual method is coming soon!